Effective Dates: August 1, 2016 for all state 4-year colleges and universities; August 1, 2017, for all state 2-year and junior colleges.
The new Texas law permits individuals who have obtained a concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry their loaded, concealed weapon in college and university buildings. Each college and university may determine certain sensitive areas and buildings* where concealed weapons will continue to be prohibited. Each college and university must publically display campus policies on the official school website, as well as widely publicize them through correspondence with the institution’s faculty, staff, and students. Previous laws permitting concealed carry with a license on open campus grounds and in locked vehicles in parking lots will remain unchanged (see note #1 below).
Link to law: http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/84R/billtext/pdf/SB00011F.pdf#navpanes=0
#1 NOTE – EXCEPTION FOR GUNS IN VEHICLES (this exception remains in place with respect to the new law taking effect in 2016/2017)
On June 14, 2013, Governor Perry signed into law SB 1907, which states that an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education may not adopt or enforce any rule, regulation, or other provision or take any other action, including posting notice under Section 30.06, Penal Code, prohibiting or placing restrictions on the storage or transportation of a firearm or ammunition in a locked, privately owned or leased motor vehicle by a person, including a student enrolled at that institution, who holds a license to carry a concealed handgun and lawfully possesses the firearm or ammunition:
(1) on a street or driveway located on the campus of the institution; or
(2) In a parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area located on the campus of the institution.
The Act took effect on September 1, 2013.
Texas’ Colleges Where Concealed Guns on Campus are Permitted by Law
SEE: Texas Department of Public Safety Handgun Licensing
Updated: June 24, 2022
Disclaimer: Policies are subject to change at any time, both during and between school years. In addition, individual school policies commonly include more details than can be succinctly captured by ArmedCampuses.org. Each school should be consulted for its most accurate, up-to-date policy. http://www.alamo.edu/district/campuscarry/