
Guns on Campus Legislation in Your State
Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus – States currently considering guns on campus bills
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence – Current federal and state legislation affecting the carrying of firearms in public

Research, Studies and Position Papers
Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus – Julie Gavran, Western Director Incidents in States That Allow Campus Carry (10/11/17)
Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus – Julie Gavran, Western Director “
Comparison Study of On Campus and Off Campus Crime Statistics from States that Allow the Carrying of Concealed Handguns vs Those Who Do Not”, 2015
Students for Gun Free Schools – “
Why Our Campuses are Safer Without Concealed Handguns
Students for Gun Free Schools – “
How We Can Prevent Future Tragedies
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence – “
Caught in the Crossfire: How Concealed Carry Laws Threaten Public Safety
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence – “
No Gun Left Behind” report
International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators – “
Position Statement on Concealed Carrying of Firearms Proposals on College Campuses
American Association of State Colleges and Universities – “
Concealed Weapons on State College Campuses: In Pursuit of Individual Liberty and Collective Security

Harvard University – Miller, Hemenway, Wechsler, “Guns and Gun Threats at College”, Journal of American College Health, 51, 57-65, 2002.

Paul Grayson PhD & Phil Meilman PhD, “Editorial Introduction – Guns on Campus”, Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, Volume 25, Issue 4, 2011

Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus – Guns Out Campaign

The Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Students for Gun Free Schools
Arkansans Against Guns on Campus
