Laws Concerning Carrying Concealed Firearms on Campus in Ohio

Ohio state law permits handguns to be in a locked motor vehicle, or the licensee is in the immediate process of placing the handgun in a locked motor vehicle.

See Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 2923.126(B)(5).

On December 19, 2017, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed Senate Bill 199, which removes the blanket prohibition of carrying concealed weapons on any premises owned or leased by any public or private college, university, or other institution of higher education unless the board of trustees agrees to allow, in some form, weapons on campus.

The following institutions have altered their weapons policy:

Cedarville College
Central State – Allows Guns in Locked Cars
Cleveland State – Allows Guns in Locked Cars
Kent State University – Allows members of the public to carry but not faculty, staff or students
Ohio University – Allows weapons in locked vehicles, and members of the general public (only) to open carry in a manner that is not reckless or actively threatening.
Ohio State University – Allows Guns in Locked Cars
University of Toledo – Allows Guns in Locked Cars
Youngstown State – Allows Guns in Locked Cars

Updated: January 7, 2025

Disclaimer: Policies are subject to change at any time, both during and between school years. In addition, individual school policies commonly include more details than can be succinctly captured by Each school should be consulted for its most accurate, up-to-date policy.